On April 21, 2018, Join Broder Law Group, P.C. at Rowan University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine as we help to build greater community awareness on Dyslexia and related reading disorders.
The event is open to all parents and professionals. There will be a multitude of presenters and workshops covering the best practices to identify, remediate, and support students with dyslexia. For 2018, the Keynote Speaker will be Jamie Martin, Assistive Technology Consultant. Lunch and ample opportunity to network with other attendees will be provided. Six CEUs will be available to conference participants, and this event satisfies New Jersey’s 2-hour dyslexia requirement.
For more information, visit CooperLearningCenter.org and be sure to check out the CLC’s Twitter @FacetsDyslexia. Call (856) 673-4901 with any questions.
Event Information
April 21, 2018 – 8:00am – 3:00pm
Rowan University-Stratford Campus
Academic Center Building
40 East Laurel Road
Stratford, NJ 08084